My name is Terranicia.

And my life’s work is Connection.

I strive to build and maintain healthy relationships and promote mental health and emotional well-being in everything I do. From wellness writing to strategic marketing and communications.

At first, I resisted this work because my life didn't look the way I thought it should. Rather than spend my immediate years after college working at a big name company or traveling the world, I returned to my hometown of Atlanta, GA and worked for a small nonprofit.

It was also here that I began a journey of healing best summarized in this passage written by poet laureate, Maya Angelou: 

A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself.

For me, life isn't about compiling a list of accomplishments. It's about tapping into the knowingness within and creating environments for our gifts to thrive. My gifts are my words and ideas.

And it is my pleasure to share them with you.

Thank you.


Why am I here? What is the purpose for my life? 

These are questions everyone asks themselves at some point, and because the answer differs for each person, trying to determine your purpose in life can feel like an overwhelming process.

For me, Harmony is the key.


My greatest strength is my self-awareness. My ability to ask tough questions and go wherever their answers lead has allowed me to discover powerful insights about the human psyche.


Life experiences are the soil, and I am the seed. By living each day with the intention to be my truest and highest Self, I cultivate a life of harmony and self-realization. And, ultimately, I blossom.